Hunter Hayes and Whirlpool Want You to Sing “You Are My Sunshine”!

The Whirlpool “Every day, care™” campaign honors the often unsung caregivers who keep families on track by doing the washing, cooking and cleaning. People often express their gratitude for these acts of care through music, which is why Whirlpool brand, with triple-threat entertainer Hunter Hayes, is inviting people around the country to record and dedicate their unique version of “You Are My Sunshine” as a tribute to a loved one.

On Feb. 8, one winner’s extraordinary “thank you” will air in a 30-second commercial in front of tens of millions of people.

“Since my first performance at age four, my parents have given me unconditional care and support. It’s because of this support that I’m living my dream,” said Hayes. “I thank my parents in a lot of ways, often through my music, and I’m partnering with Whirlpool brand to give someone the opportunity to honor a loved one in a similar way.”

“Music plays a vital role in the care we give and receive, day in and day out,” said Jon Hall, senior brand manager Whirlpool brand.  “Care and music both require commitment and sacrifice, both have the power to transform, and ultimately enable great things, which is what the  Every day, care™ campaign is all about.”

To enter the contest, individuals can record themselves singing, humming or playing “You Are My Sunshine,” and then dedicate it to someone whose acts of care have played a vital role in their life. Finish by uploading the video to

You can submit a performance up until 11:59 PM on Sunday, January 25. Once submissions close, the winner will be chosen based on the following criteria: video quality, demonstration of care and performance of “You Are My Sunshine.” The winning performance will air on February 8.