Billy Currington Talks New Track, “Drinkin’ Town With a Football Problem”

Billy Currington discusses the meaning behind "Drinkin’ Town With a Football Problem" and his Summer Forever album.

We now have a fall anthem thanks to Billy Currington‘s song “Drinkin’ Town With a Football Problem” off of his new 12-track album, Summer Forever. The singer has already scored a number one hit with his first single, “Don’t It.”

The memory-evoking lyrics made Currington reflect on his roots, “That song reminded me of my high school hometown football team.” Currington relayed to Billboard. “But, at the same time, there are so many towns we have played in that resemble that, too. It reminds me of so many places I’ve been a part of. I think a lot of people will relate to it.”

The track was written by Elizabeth Elkins, Vanessa Olivarez and musical trio The Henningsens, but Currington says that even though he didn’t pen the tune, it brings back some great memories.

“Football was so huge in our town. If you didn’t play, you were going to the game. If you were anywhere in the vicinity, you were going to the game. There are so many memories of Friday nights that I have and cherish to this day,” reminisced the Georgia native.

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Working on bringing Summer Forever to life was a joyful experience for the popular singer and he hopes that the album serves as an uplifting soundtrack to people’s lives“I don’t want people to skip certain songs because one made them feel down or blue, or negative,” he said. “Don’t get me wrong. I love sad songs as much as anyone, but I’m also a big fan of making lighter music. I just want everyone to be happy.”

We think he succeeded.

Fans can catch Billy Currington as the opening act on Tim McGraw’s Shotgun Rider Tour and explore more artist coverage here.

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